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Alejandro Garzon

I am a


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Alejandro Garzón

I am an engineer with a Master of Engineering degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). My interests lie in software design and development, robotics, machine learning, computer vision, and cloud architecture.

Currently, I work as a freelancer.

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

  • Master of Engineering in Electrical / Digital Signal Processing

Universidad del Quindío

  • Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic / Digital Signal Processing






Frontend Development


Backend Development


Data Visualization







My portfolio showcases a diverse range of projects that demonstrate my expertise as a backend developer, ML engineer, and data scientist. From web development to computer vision, my projects highlight my proficiency in a variety of areas. As an ML engineer, I specialize in computer vision, and my portfolio features numerous successful projects in this field. I am skilled in both Python and Node.js for backend development, allowing me to work efficiently on complex projects. Additionally, I have experience developing and deploying ML-based solutions on the Google Cloud Platform, demonstrating my ability to deliver powerful solutions to challenging problems. With a focus on delivering effective solutions in a variety of fields, my portfolio highlights my extensive knowledge and skills as a developer, ML engineer, and data scientist.

Ray Tracing
Rendering, lighting and texture mapping
Object Tracking
Object Tracking
Object Tracking


  1. 2018Softel5 Years

    Data scientist developer:  As a data scientist developer, I used statistical and programming skills to analyze data, create predictive models,       and solve complex problems using machine learning techniques.
     Identifying patterns and data distribution to add value to information across different       projects.
     Implementing algorithms for anomaly detection in tabular data.
     Relocating devices with imprecise GPS information      using ML models.
     Developing predictive models for estimating CO2 generated by refrigerators.
     Generating clusters to optimize node placement       for the Wi-Sun network.
     Experimenting with YOLO for computer vision system demos.
     Prototyping with Monte Carlo algorithm to estimate the       volume of silos.
    Backend developer: As a backend developer, I designed and built the back-end architecture of web and mobile applications,       including services, functions, and data pipelines.
     Design architecture to develop different projects.
     Implementing services to feed front-end.
     Functions      to preprocesing and processing information.
     Implementing pipelines  of ETL
  1. 2014Instituto Interdisciplinario de las Ciencias2 Years

    Junior Researcher: As a Junior Researcher, I contributed to the design and implementation of controllers to regulate the position of objects in a system,       and conducted simulations to study the behavior of porous surfaces at the quantum level.
     Design and implementation of position controllers.
     Simulations with the Monte Carlo algorithm to generate porous surfaces with quantum 


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